Grow Where You are Planted

Do you ever wonder how or why certain things end up growing in the oddest places. It is those eye catching moments that make us pause in amazement . The posted picture is that of a fungus on our deck railing. Though it is known to cause structural harm over time, the radiant beauty of it’s golden color is what caught my attention. It has grown and flourished right where it has been planted. It has made the best of the current situation it is in. I am not sure fungus has a thought process, but I know we humans do. Survival, it seems, depends a great deal on what our root system is established upon.

Ephesians 3:17 speaks of being '“rooted and firmly established in love.” Colossians 2:6-7 speak of being rooted and built up in Jesus, established in the faith. This sounds simple enough, yet the environmental challenges of our existence more than likely stunt our growth as much as anything. My perceptions of my surroundings may very well be in direct correlation to the source my root system is feeding upon. Am I living out of the festered bitterness of past hurts? Is the sour sting of lingering regret clogging the arteries of my heart? My challenge is to pause occasionally and maybe consider, that the Great Gardener himself may have planted me here so that I may add some vibrancy to a dark spot in my culture. If my roots are pulling from Him, then the most desolate places can flourish despite environmental difficulties.

Remember, you ARE fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. he is for you, not against you. let a desperate world see your true colors shine through!

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