The Way?

Bible Verse of the Day

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:6


Over the next few days we will be looking at this verse from John. 


Let’s begin with looking at Jesus’ statement that He is the way.   The way to what? The answer is in the end of the verse.  He is the way to the Father.

Prior to Jesus dying for our sins (past, present and future) and making atonement normal people did not have full access to the Father.   The People of the day had the understanding that our sins routinely kept us from Him.  Humans were in the pattern of making a sacrifice to atone for their sins and then before you know it we were back on our way sinning again.

Before Jesus came the only ones though in the culture of the day to have access to God was the priests. Remember the importance of the tearing of the temple curtain as Jesus died signifying all had access to the Father.   

Jesus death and resurrection gave us the true homecoming and restoration of relationship with the Father.  He is the way.

Tomorrow we will look at another aspect of this passage.

In the Father’s love,



Sam Main